Strive to be effective, not perfect. Do it anyway.
I have a dear friend who calls herself a recovering perfectionist. I love that because I too suffer from the same unrealistic expectations I place on myself. For example, this tip of the month... Here it is already November 14th and I'm just posting this month's tip. I've been procrastinating because I wanted to make sure I was providing the perfect tip for my viewers. Since I can't control the date - only my reaction to it - I decided to change my idea for this month's tip and fess up to my own shortcomings... and do it anyway.
I have a "sticky" note above my workspace that says, "Do it Anyway!" It's been hard, but the outcome has always been positive. I do what ever the "thing" is, send it out into the world, and wait for it to come back and bit me in the butt. It hasn't yet. 99.9% of the time no one even knew I or the "thing" was late, had coffee stains (I'll share that story another time), contained a type-o, or was NOT perfect.
So, here's my Tip of the Month: Strive to be effective, not perfect. Do it anyway. I hope it helps you, because it's helped me - especially today.
If you have any examples of overcoming perfectionism or "doing it anyway" that you'd like to share, please feel free to attach a comment to this post. I believe the more we see each other being "human" (striving for being effective) the less we'll feel the need to be perfect.