I accidentally discovered this tip, have tested it several times, and now need to share...
To remove the yellow perspiration stains on your white shirts: soak your shirt(s) in a strong solution of OxiClean and water for 24 - 48 hours.
For one shirt: use a small bucket, warm water, and a full scoop of OxiClean.
Fill the bucket half way with warm water. Dissolve OxiClean in the water. Add the shirt and top with more warm water. (Use the warmest setting allowed for the garment.) Place a large bowl or plate over the bucket/shirt to keep the shirt from floating to the top of the water. Keep it submerged. Over the next 24 - 48 hours "stir" the shirt mixture. After 24 hours check the stain. If gone, proceed to the next step. If not, soak until yellow is no longer visible.
Once the stain(s) are gone, pour the water and shirt into the washing machine and wash as usual.
For multiple shirts: use a washing machine, warm water, and three full scoops of OxiClean for a small load. Add one full scoop per each additional load size - 4 scoops total for medium load, 5 scoops total for large load.
Fill washer with enough water to cover the shirts. (Use the warmest setting allowed for the garments.) Add appropriate number of scoops and agitate to dissolve. Add shirts and continue to agitate for a couple of minutes. Let soak. Over the next 24 - 48 hours agitate the shirt mixture. After 24 hours check the stains. If gone, proceed to the next step. If not, soak until yellow is no longer visible.
Once the stain(s) are gone, add more water if needed and wash as usual.
Note: I've noticed that this process also whitens the shirts and removes other stains as well. Good luck!